Austin, Texas-based Asure Software helps approximately 6,000 clients worldwide prepare their workplaces for the workforce of today and the future. The company was founded in 1985 as Forgent Networks. While the business underwent several transformations in its history, its original intent — to give businesses the best workplace productivity and facilities management tools available — has always stayed in place. Today, Asure delivers on this promise every day by equipping customers with innovative, cloud-based time and labor management and workspace management software solutions that take integral business processes to the next level.
As cloud-based computing gained in popularity, Asure turned to C2 Communication + Creative to create and develop a communication strategy that would:
Tell the company’s Software as a Service (SaaS) history and feature its global expertise
Generate awareness and sales of Asure’s products/solutions using effective marketing strategies to reach its key audiences
C2 created a proposal that focused on several key tactics to obtain results for Asure Software and its solutions.
- Infographics: Create easy-to-digest infographics featuring the company and its products/solutions
- Bylined articles: Research and write bylined articles for placement in industry publications
- Product/solution campaigns designed to educate: Using new technology design formats, create campaigns that clearly depict Asure Software’s solution capabilities, resulting in leads and sales
- Webinars: Host quarterly webinars on trending topics, inviting existing and potential customers as well as other interested stakeholders
- Asure Software revenue increased 21% after engaging with C2 Communication + Creative in 2012.
The added awareness generated from the new media offerings created by C2 Communication + Creative resulted in Asure selecting C2 as its marketing/communications agency of record.